'This video is about my product i got from Kylie Cosmetics 2016 Holiday Collection. The thumbnail is courtesy of Kylie Cosmetics and was taken from their stock image. Everything is my opinion and is based on the 2016 Holiday edition. I mean no harm or attitude toward kylie or her cosmetic company. Hope you all enjoyed this video!! ***Legal Disclaimer*** Here in Mr. Fab’s corner we try our very best to produce and film as many videos as possible! As my journey to my new college life begins it is hard for me to muster up the appropriate funds to do popular vlog videos. Remember to always be courteous to others in your daily life and in my comment section. As always everything mentioned in this video is entirely my opinion and is not to be taken as seriously as a fact. If any of my actions, words, or products offends you or a group of people please accept my humble apology in advance as i never intend to harm or offend any specific person, group, or ethnicity in the making of the video. FTC - I am not being paid by any of the mentioned companies or designers to make this video. The products were purchased with my own money and the views and opinions that are mentioned are strictly my own and I am not affiliated with any of these companies or products. All music and sounds are produced by either No copyright sounds https://www.youtube.com/user/NoCopyrightSounds Or IMovie audio selection that is pre installed into my computer ***End of Disclaimer*** Please feel free to follow me on any of my social media’s!!!! Facebook: Eddie Martinez Instagram: mrfab123 Snapchat: mrfabulous123 Twitter: mrfabulous1234 Thank you for your continued support in my future endeavors!! May Almighty God bless you always!'
Tags: cosmetics , makeup , kylie jenner , kylie , kc , iMovie , christmas , 2016 , lipsticks , overrated , Holiday Box , holiday edition
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